Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting Ready

I arrived in Virginia for training this past Tuesday.  Leaving home is indeed sad but there is something beautiful in unexpectedly running into friends on similar journeys while at the airport in Charlotte.  I guess it just serves as a reminder that I am not alone and that those around me are cycling through feelings of fear, sadness, and excitement just as I am.  I find myself very grateful for the support and encouragement I have received.  
My time here is very structured on weekday mornings with evenings and weekends free to do our readings and research or boondoggle.  The temperature is dropping and I am really missing Abuelita hot chocolate right now as I attempt to cut back on my coffee drinking.  
Everyday something reminds me of my time at Wheaton, whether it be a face that resembles a friend I haven't seen in a long time or a comment someone makes.  Or the fact that I am in a dorm instead of in one of the apartments :(  These memories make me smile as I remember how God has worked in my life before.  He is always putting people in my life that give me joy when I need it and that pray with me on the darker days.  He got me through the past (almost) twenty four years and He will be there for these next two years.  And that gives me hope.


kellycohen said...

This blog makes me happy. I love you Jeannete. I promise that I will send you some thoughts from the paper once I get really grinding away on it. I have done a lot of the researchy fact would probably be somewhat more interested in my personal response to this? I met someone today who is particularly interested in Latino ministries--she was telling me a little bit about conditions in a Fed. Prison not too far from here...Oh Jeannete.

elizo* said...

i am going to miss you, but i know that you are going to do great things and you will find a home away from home and be surrounded by great people. i can't wait to hear what is to come!