Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A few things

It's hard to believe that I have been here for about a month.  That's more than enough time to notice a few things:

1) Birds sing when I cross the street.  Don't believe me?  Come and see!
2) There really is sun in Madrid!  The first two weeks were almost depressingly gray and cold.  I had been told that the sun is always shining and I was sure that they were all lies.  But its been about 10 days of wonderful sun.  I might need some sunglasses because somehow living in South Florida I never owned any.
3) Sometimes I forget what country I'm in.
4) Knowing how to cook isn't enough.  I need to learn my meats.  Mommy I need you!
5) I don't enjoy cooking for myself.  Or washing my own dishes.
6) With all my English classes I feel as if I spend a lot of time speaking English.  Last week I was walking home and realized that I hadn't said a word of Spanish in that Spaniard's home.  Wierd.
7) School buses here are like greyhounds.  No cheesewagons.
8) Getting used to kissing on both cheeks is fairly easy.  Understanding Spanish accents isn't.
9) My pillow smells like smoke.  I think I'll change my showers to nighttime.  
10) Dust is unavoidable.  Which makes a house full of wood furniture less fun.